Immigration Insight

Anti-immigrant laws in the United States

May 15, 2024
  • News

As the 2024 presidential election approaches in the United States, the political future remains uncertain. In recent months, we have seen several Republican states propose anti-immigrant laws that affect millions of people living undocumented.


The Texas law, known as SB4, gives local law enforcement expanded powers to detain, question and even arrest people suspected of being in the country illegally.

The legislation requires local law enforcement agencies to cooperate with federal immigration authorities and allows agents to request immigration documents during routine traffic stops, casual encounters, or other everyday interactions.

In addition, the law prohibits cities and counties from implementing policies that limit cooperation with federal immigration authorities, which has led to criticism about their potential to encourage racial profiling and discrimination.


In Iowa, a measure similar to the one in Texas was passed, which also gives additional powers to police to deal with illegal immigration. Under this law, entering the state after having previously been refused entry into the United States would become an aggravated misdemeanor, or even a felony in certain circumstances, including an arrest for another crime.


In Oklahoma, Republican leaders in the House and Senate have embraced the idea of an anti-immigration law similar to Texas’s, though no specific details are provided on the exact measure they are considering. This suggests that the measure would likely include provisions giving expanded powers to law enforcement to address illegal immigration in the state.

New Hampshire:

In New Hampshire, a bill is being considered that would allow police to bring trespassing charges against people suspected of entering illegally from Canada.


In Tennessee, a law is being considered that would force state law enforcement agencies to cooperate with federal immigration authorities if they find people in the country illegally. The proposal seeks to establish closer collaboration between state and federal law enforcement in immigration enforcement. This would mean that state law enforcement agencies would be required to report to federal immigration authorities anyone they encounter in irregular immigration status during the course of their regular police work.


Georgia wants to force eligible cities and counties to seek agreements to carry out some immigration-related checks in jails, with the goal of collaborating with the federal government on immigration enforcement.

This comes after an incident on the campus of the University of Georgia, where a Venezuelan man was accused of killing a nursing student. Immigration authorities said the man had entered the United States illegally in 2022.

The proposal seeks to establish closer collaboration between local and federal authorities to detect and prosecute people who are in the country without legal permission.


The approved Florida law increases penalties for migrants who are in the country illegally if they are convicted of driving without a license or committing felonies. This means that migrants who are found guilty of driving without a license or committing certain felonies will face harsher penalties if they are found to be in the country illegally.

If you need help with your immigration case, you can contact us at 202-709-6439 to evaluate your case for FREE.