Immigration Insight

Latina Graduated from Harvard and Put Her Graduation Gown on Her Immigrant Mom

July 30, 2022
  • Business Immigration
  • Individual Immigration

‘We graduated from Harvard Mom!’ Thus begins the publication of a young Latina who, after obtaining her master’s degree in one of the best universities in the nation and the world, such as Harvard, celebrated by putting her graduation gown on her mother who arrived as an immigrant to this country.

The young Nataly Morales Villa posted on her Instagram account all the sacrifices she and her mother made to get to this.

[Picture Caption] Nataly and her mother before putting on the gown. (Screenshot of the video that Nataly Morales uploaded to her Instagram account @latinainhighered)

Morales’ mother, originally from the community of El Mezquital in Durango, Mexico, crossed the Rio Grande as an illegal immigrant in 2001.

Morales stressed that the misogyny present in Mexican society led her mother to only be able to attend high school.

Already in the United States, his mother began working on a poultry farm starting every day at 4:00 AM.

However, she never missed work and always brought home food and what was necessary for her to study.

Nataly was an immigrant in the country until she turned 11 and had to deal with her father’s alcoholism and domestic violence.

Morales became the first member of her family to finish high school, graduate from college and now have a master’s degree.

She studied Political Science at the University of North Georgia and now finished her master’s degree at the prestigious Harvard.

That is why there is so much happiness and celebration for the young Latina when she puts on her Harvard graduation gown on her mother who arrived as an immigrant to the nation.

Source: González, D. (2022, June 13). Latina graduated from Harvard and put her graduation gown on her mother who came to the country as an immigrant. The News.

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