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Who is Eagan Immigration? Introducing the legal team that helps immigrants gain legal status in the United States each and every day

February 20, 2023
  • Individual Immigration

by Kasey Husk

If you are seeking legal status in the United States, you know that navigating the U.S. immigration system can be an intimidating prospect. You also know that receiving a work visa, travel permit, legal permanent resident status or even citizenship will change the course of your life, and your family’s too. At Eagan, our eight skilled immigration lawyers understand better than anyone how much is on the line when you begin the immigration process. Almost all of our attorneys are either immigrants themselves, or have family members who are. Our diverse team of legal assistants, meanwhile, is made up of individuals who hail from all over the world. All this means that when you work with us, you are working with people who understand where you are coming from. 

Since its inception in 2014, Eagan’s mission has been to empower immigrants to achieve.  Our dedicated legal team works to implement our vision of providing hope and opportunities to those living in the United States without status, even those who have already been living without status for many years. We’ve helped more than 1,300 clients from 34 different countries in 46 different states through our fully-remote process, and that number is constantly growing. When other firms say something is impossible, Eagan Immigration finds a way. With that in mind, let’s talk about what makes the Eagan Immigration legal team the best at what it does!  

Experience. Eagan is home to eight attorneys and a large legal staff of experienced individuals from a wide range of backgrounds. Each of our attorneys has several years of experience specifically in the immigration field. Our immigration lawyers take a collaborative approach to cases, meaning all clients benefit from the specialized experience that each of the attorneys has to offer the team. We specialize in complex cases, so regardless of your personal circumstances or background, you can have the confidence that your own case will always be in the best hands. What to learn more? Feel free to read more about each immigration attorney’s background here.    

Values: Compassion is the cornerstone of Eagan’s approach to working with our clients. Many members of Eagan’s legal staff have been on the other end of the immigration process, including supervising attorney Isabel Saavedra, a native of Colombia who herself was once living in the U.S. without status. This background makes Eagan Immigration’s legal team uniquely qualified to understand what you are going through. No matter the circumstances you are facing, our immigration lawyers and staff understand that life is complicated and that some stories can be difficult to tell. Every member of our staff is someone who will treat you with kindness and compassion as they guide you through the immigration process. We’ll also communicate with you openly and frankly about each step of the immigration process and any potential obstacles to achieving legal status in the United States. A dedication to integrity and honesty is a big part of what makes Eagan special.  

Innovation:Eagan Immigration prides itself on novel approaches to common immigration issues. On average, the clients who come to us have already been told “no” by at least two other firms. These clients end up coming to us for a reason. Eagan has consistently sought to be the most innovative immigration firm in the United States. Through in-depth intake interviews with clients and a careful look at their background, we are often able to identify opportunities to help them seek legal status through less well-known immigration programs. Many of our applications are geared toward humanitarian immigration programs, including:   

1. Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) petitions. Undocumented individuals who have been abused – whether physically, psychologically, financially or sexually – by a U.S. citizen or LPR spouse, parent, or child who is at least 21 years old may petition for legal permanent residence on their own in many circumstances. It is possible to do so even without the knowledge of your U.S. citizen or LPR abuser. Unsure of what you’ve experienced qualifies as abuse? Schedule a consultation and we’ll talk about it. 

2. T Visa petitions. Undocumented individuals who are the victims of trafficking may apply for T Nonimmigrant Status, which allows them to remain in the United States as long as they are willing to provide assistance to law enforcement in prosecuting their abusers. Eagan’s immigration attorneys have been successful in broadly interpreting the parameters of this program. Those living in the United States without status are often exploited due to their status, such as by an employer who threatens or implies they may be deported if they do not continue to provide the labor demanded of them. Even individuals trapped in a relationship in which an abusive non-USC partner forces them to perform household service due to their status may be eligible. Talking to a legal specialist at Eagan can help you understand whether your experiences may qualify, even if the incident in question happened many years ago.

3. U Visa petitions. This program is designed to provide temporary protected status to undocumented individuals who have been the victim of certain times of crime, and who have provided assistance to law enforcement to investigate the crime. Have you or a loved one been the victim of a crime in the past? Call us to discuss whether a U Visa may be an option for you.  

Have you been told you are inadmissible before? Have a criminal record or too many past exits and entries? Circumstances are highly individual, but Eagan’s immigration attorneys are skilled in determining whether it may be possible to waiver various grounds of inadmissibility. Eagan immigration lawyers can also help you apply for green cards, naturalization and citizenship, carefully preparing you for what’s expected each step of the way. Eagan attorneys also offer representation to those currently in removal proceedings. The types of cases we handle continue to grow with time.  

At Eagan Immigration, our goal is always to provide you with the information you need to make the best decision for your family, all while upholding our own high standards of integrity, compassion, excellent communication and innovation. For more information, talk to an Eagan immigration specialist today at 202-709-6439.